
We done this once …you seeing in the last website. You seeing a painting and a real time photo, how does it felt like a tomorrow morning, its our Saturday here. (American Friday Time Zone).

Usually I get up before 5 oclock here, maybe like 4 or 4:30am, see how early I could take the photo outside. Its the same photo. Its not everything blackness, because if in the city, down there its all lights all around including the very top light. The only blackness to show you as if the whole Earth has no light on it, well, that will be your reality here from Earth going out, probably. 


Since this meditation things 2014 like the Tibetan double body practice, talking about too early to get up, I try to go back to sleep, just lay it down. Flat, straight up my two legs, just lay flat. I stay indoor just keep doing that. My mother never required to be on the bed every few hours to lay down. My siblings (2) they need to. Just off the feet on the bed a little bit. I going back and forth close my eyes. The movie has this double pyramid upside down turn, every single time I seeing that, its like I am laying it down on the bed is a real fact, I tell you how my eyes looking from inside to my ceiling upside down means.

I don't know where Thor is. 🦅🦅


1908 Tesla Paper

1911-1919 = 9 years + 1910 1 years = 10s



1941 1942 2 years + 1943 1 weeks + 1940 1 years

1909 one full years, 1908 Dec Nov, sorry June 30 = July1st, so 

 7 8 9 10 11 12 = 6 months

highlight those

1911-1919 = 9 years + 1910 1 years = 10s



1941 1942 2 years + 1943 1 weeks + 1940 1 years

1909 one full years, 1908 Dec Nov, sorry June 30 = July1st, so 

 7 8 9 10 11 12 = 6 months

30 years + 2 years + 1 week +  1 years + 1 full year + 6 months

= 34 years + 6 month + 1 week

1856 Tesla birthday, his best friend 愛在屋簷下 (媽媽的庭院)

1893, today you will need to have 2 article to seeking out

White City, Chicago 1893 expo itself

One is World Parliment congregation (that is SMCH in our modern time in South Africa)

Be remember, that was in 19th century (1800-1899)

Because we are not born the first reference as the living people passing it down any oral saying what the events are, so will be the future 500 years later, or 1000 years later or 20,000 years later, or 50,000 years later, or 100,000 years later on Earth all development, since this is the beginning of Y2K, meaning the year 2000, the computer in the end of the 1997 has a rumor such as the End of the World, but truely, your first reference is me, here in Taiwan. I was leaving to the United States yet.

The beginning of this Digital Era is not going to take off...another 500 years will pass by at least. Meaning its the free will, not to becoming the Youtuber, one of those tidy up your appearance, or not finding a job, but a free lancer's job. Most people wants to go to the river side, or BBQ, or go on the meditation retreat, all that will not cease its influence at least 500 years.

You will have one more indication time in the Bible in 1000 years down the road.

Here in Asia, you see 商鞅達己 (Simon Cowell and Lauren Silverman), no they are not together anymore since 2014. He was 54 and she was 37.

I am 40 this year, that time I was 30/31 when I met them online newspaper. I got poison in 2015 Flower Thousand Bone, that was the year, Commander-in-Chef, I just don't care about that Obama that time 2014. But your testing format and the actualy pay roald Tax ID the legal commander-in-Chef to that every nation on Earth (UN 194 countries), will be the President or the Prime Minister themselves, forever....

We will no more kingship of all life term here, and outside will be nothing but the Corperation sleek, and the military domination included. MD, Ph.D, OD, Lawyers...combination to those longevity will not be a problem, same as the family background with the money to educate their kids in the Ivy League school, that those uniform or the aviation of their friends will be happy to keep their own groups on their own. 

The privacy protect will be outside as well as here, while your own process the banking all industry or the phone records, you can just stay on the phone and no one knows what you do behind. You don't need to be this 007, rural hiding, the phone is privacy protected on Earth.

All High Tech.

1856 - 1893 Calculation similar to 1908

1856 is in July, not 1908 June 30th. Understand your own birthday chart.

Mine would be April 16th, 1983....2019 Oct/Nov (Keanu Reeves Sweet November)

Both calculation will be included below.

57, 78, 79, 80 (July), = 4 years

meaning 1856 -1857 = one full year (July to July), that is 1 2 3 4, so you say

1856-1860= 4 years up to 1860 July

1861 -1869 =9 years + 1860 July - 1861 one full year. Understand?

18  60s



1890-1893 will be July to May

3 years minus 2 months

(You print this page)  from 60-80s pen insert this }

30+4+3-2 month, John Jacob Aster IV was Tesla Best friend with his Columbia Egg (Tesla), his best friend won an award idea what that is. But you have a drama, you want to see? 

That person looks like but it might be Astor 1 2 3 4 too. younger. 28 this years

愛在屋簷下 (媽媽的庭院)

1983 -2017 (34 years, I was 34 years old) King of Kings, Lords or Lords - Bible. (June 2017)

2015 32 years old, Tesla patent on 1908, the coins on the Top

45 = Si me 是我


26 = Keanu Reeves ( Hailey Meyer were 26 years old in 2014)


2 Renaissance people in Italy 1400-1515 those time around Leonardo Da Vinci.

Simon Cowell and Keanu Reeves. You can see the real people's documentary, an act.

2006- 2016 Quan Yin Methods

2011 ( 1911 - 2011 100 years in Tesla quote), he gives you 100 years.

5 Lords Review 2016 June - Jan 31th 2017.

Anan Birthday Feb, Yoganada death date or Jason birthday March, My birthday April, SMCH birthday, June declare.

花千骨 ( 2015)

Tesla death date 1943 Jan 7th. The problem China and Taiwan separate for 40 years, it was in my time knowing that as I grew up, not in any of your time I guess, I live on.

40 +34 = 74 years, Hunger Game, 75 Catching Fire

You've Got Mail (1998) the very open 75 anniversary.

England King Charles III, and SMCH birthday, 馬英九 and my dad (Tesla X-ray Thumb),

3 of them are 1950.

Slam Dunk 灌籃高手 (78 opening trailer 開場曲第一章照片 的上面寫的)

The real plot will be mentor 2013 I was just happened to be in the TYG Google and Simon Cowell Partnership at The You Generation to AGT Feb 2014 (American Got Talent), the later Google+, never stop running and chasing, one full year.

10 Rudimentary subjects. The mentor before the year 74th.

Your correct Flower Thousand Bones (2015) 

3 years 2018, 55555555

+ 1 year (online novel 線上曉書的章節,名稱)

The actual lawsuit is starting in 2021.

You have the System all breach scenario.

You have the System all breach scenario.

You have the System all breach scenario.

You have the System all breach scenario.

You have the System all breach scenario.

My classmate thinking they are the Ana, in Frozen 2013. Without telling me. I keep running, I have no idea what happened, in 10 years, here we are. Harry Potter 17, buzz all sounding everywhere. 

Be aware what I told you.

2023 this year

Kenshin Himura (10 years ending since 2013), this year a new Kenshin Trailer 浪客劍心

High School Musical 1 2 3 and 4th

Princess Diary 3

Hunger Game (10th years, the Rouge) 很多前傳都是在之後的集數往前加,叫做前傳,類似魔戒,講關於 ...

This is the democracy world, so no more those princess or the prince idea, just be attentive to your own civil class 公民課


In Time (Just Timberlake), Runner Runner.

I do those things, you don't need to.  NSYCN "running out of the Time". I am, not they are, or you were. 



物理 (化學、生化)

都是我的發明,包括材料系的部分 (在美國國會 )



10 科


口述英文的 2014 語言叫做 OU language



To fly, Fly



Atlantis (Lumarian not Atlantis) 不是叫做亞特斯蘭斯,是一個叫做 Lemurian (Mu continent) 因為地圖長的不一樣。鑑定的東西叫做沒有直線的金屬的切割 ( 1900-2000- 2023 ...) 20 世紀之後。

這全部都是所謂 classify 資料,不要做那種沒有意義的爭執,有事情才會在那邊電視電影上面 (四個點的框框應該只有電視,跟電影是 classify materials) , 音樂家除非是有狀況,像斂財的越南小尼姑 『清海無上師』,在台灣所有人都知道這件事情,short leg jail female inmate 短腿的女受刑人

Dwarf 那是一種醫藥學的定義 (病態)


The Material Science

No, its not correct, the current Time

Britney Spear (Holding it Against me)

You want to calculate get this one thing right? 

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