
9172023 - Post COVID 19 periods in shaping up the cooking skills

To this morning and so many months passing it by since the official mask be taken out in the public space were in the beginning of the last Dec, the weighing of the City Park underground water makes this City undergoes this Weather forecast has been the one hell of the summer typhoon seasonal. This is unbelievable seeing the technology of the LED high definition monitor to the weather forecast we had about consecutively 3 or 4 or 5 weeks none stop this typhoon to where the last my attention went abroad were that the 3 typhoon align in one horizontal phase, or before, the one after another, they were born from the sea and migrant to Japan. Here that thy thou land where God bestow the water is not a part of the Japan colony anymore since after the WWII. The numbers of the years that have over turn our fate to believe this why Hong Kong next by the maximum to say were England's treaty ended 1999 or 1997, that will be almost like 25 years ago since this prayer took place - someone grew up and have gone through the university education.

During this shut down of the overall reflection that trigger us to believe that our daily life has been affected, not just the business sector where a lot of people have gone through the last almost 3 years, between 2 to 3 years recuperating the physical and the emotional enclosure feeling to the indoor space to breath. The summer has been many activities up in the news and the atmosphere to all this event took place has gone from many people's causal life habitual to return back to this office building runs-about daily life. And in those unfitted clothing or the recycling bins of the trash were not the past of the waste line how we saying we aged, or we were dying too. The sentimental part of the physicality will gone through the winter, and we are already in the fall season awaiting to another a couple month passing by...

Enclosure to say the number of the days that we are born were records under the God's wrath of the past love, or were not looking at or for the future positivity and under the eye lining, the vision blurs were not the belly line for the meat and wine, it was intoxicated felt, that the 2 years +1 fully 12 month, we were only in Sep alone. (minus the Feb Chinese red envelope festivity the physical calendar year around.)

We have not evolved to where the diets meats without the New Age, so the presence of the necklace to that Cross, were not hang before the window panel shines through the sun rays, not just the sunlight will never pernitrate the basement of the sealing cavity, maybe the cave tunnel to hold hands, one of those the ghost film festival, celebrate the highlight of the mock of the mask, its the parenting not enough, or the tears never forgotten enough - the Love.

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