
You have a very funny saying when you writing a court room paper...

The judge didn't tell you, or your lawyer didn't read it before you submit to the Judge. You told them, 

" I am not sure about her birthday but we heard there might be people got jailed the moment she was born on Earth or outside the Earth, here is her photo, i think its very evil reincarnated or bad people means."

Not just approval to some guys, their appearance were not they used to be when they were in 20 + years old.


"Part of my argument will be relatively to some classify side of whistle blowers mentioned, and that has indeed even trigger to our current past a few questionable numbers to this movie inside number of the days or the Bible days, or not the dates in the calendar, or some mix up, to when they got eliminated, its this black routine number inside my head when I question our own jurisdiction laws that used to be in our favor - the 44th president the first of the kind, one of those the name cannot be mentioned. I wonder if all of this being check the classify idea, is there anything we cannot be talked about today, or you have a sequence in where that control of the speech to the words per min, were refrain, I assuming we are skillful for doing that, then the verbaltism, of that per image photo icon or the pointing gesture is not limited to the outward testimonial, to where I stood here, with a load of the questions on my mind."

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