
"I used to tell them, some people will rise their age....originally if they are not close."

"I know 2 girl tall, to 1 whom has this gf....right."

"Well, that 2 are the community format, can use the supports. One is guard and gun team. One is the gf of that material science, my graduation flower bundle, she gifts me."

"One of that is near that Tina' best friend, that is where the American club is. "

"We have only one place for the American club, but Tina is this coming back and forth, because her best friend's kids are at our school here the elementary, they travel back and forth."

" Correct, the American school."

"But....me and my mother gone to this bagel place, you know near 101, the corner 1st floor, in this city, you could have this hole in the wall, only 1st floor. Its a whole weekend Farmer's market idea, or just those few days festival. Its the vegetarian festival."

"Its on the way there."

"Outside the windows metro. you can see."

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