
194 Pixie + 194 Military - why a Sunday prayer?

To be honest, I don't really know. I started it when I was...implied? A sense came over. But I don't really know why its me, probably the BTX, that is a Christian necklace looking triangle, what's that.

The Lake House is exact? Yesterday I heard that. I know. Just leave them all alone to where the happy things to go lasting and argue, when you have the family gang up to hurt each other, that is what the movies made it for, the make up a union and to break it. 

You know what Keanu says in those interview how they get together to screen the actors whom to find for the materials, that has a full set of the interviews because I used to only watch that several repeated movies, you imagine I never listening to the interview before 2013. 

James Cameron also was the one saying how he writing those movie script. You can have some classify influence materials, to how far it went down inside the movies screen stuffs, I don't really know.


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