
194 Pixie + 194 Military - Define me ...4 Kings

This is not Earthly plane. They are all running the classify materials below this....why Heaven has anything to do with it. Another heaven its where the nun and monks go. Not the face looking anyone will like about it.  They go there to meditate.  Technically no mundane householder to make it that domain heaven. 


The people whom are not studious are spreading them outside like psycho, those scholar holding the movie or the classify material will tell you what things are made of. One of them I think, kinda of like artitech, sub-mild, or clear in his finding, just not aggressive like everything spreading out of the central. He is not the central but he will be the upper somewhere.


3 month ago, maybe.

A lot of people cared about some argument that express to you yourself the parents, or you got excited, or you drive out of the house without telling them what is that anything to do with you, and you give them something like hopeful and you run out. you need to concrete sit down and write your thoughts a lot more clear to build a communication with your parents or those people around.

All around where they think you show off you have a friend, or that is the material, and what all those logic to do with you, so excited and be happy to "up-to no good"? I swear line in Harry Potter finding the map of the 7 pathway inside the movies?

I don't really know imagine if Westlife one of them, we go to UB and seeing the real school, you think they still exist? They should be. Right...I never thought about that unless I have to talk to you. Your older envrionment where you didn't live on the campus anywhere, other than your own dorm, not the ...

1. SA union

2. UB common

3. UB micro (the computer place)

4. UB Capen, UB Capen 2nd place the mail box or the in-office, or the Capen inside where Lee at.

5. Tell you the Truth, there is a UB president office, if they just intuitively push the buttom, not right, not left, really, that straight ahead of the choice.

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