
You want to do a job, you are good at.

It has nothing to do with you facing one court room inside one human.

You didn't begin that person was more important; it was because you only there 50 mins of that 24 hours in one day. And for the rest of your life it will be 365 days a year without this Judge. You prepare a draft.

"oh well, it didn't work" (so that is when you say, the money is not there.)

You probably even thought about it all this scenario yourself. I think so.

One day - you say you want to buy a house

You imagine its first to borrowing from the bank, because you need to save the money for the food, and outting, its every Friday night, you feeling the breath of your new life. Where is the rest of the stuffs, meaning you going to get a job, you wait....and think.

So Next month - you decide to imagine a finance stock manager, whatever that is.

You want to invest in the real estate, or you want to learn about the banking options, all that.

Next month - you remember you have a payment overdue on the electricity bill or the gas bill combine, this is your freedom first time living and this money paying out, it will never come back, you don't have the second batch of the money in the bank waiting for you. This house ruin, you have at least the bank.

"Oh well, not the bed sheet the last 3 months, its just the outing weekend, my life is free."

With the law world people, including the medicine, you going near will have to be 100% you speaking the somewhat truth to blog on, like me on the internet, every degree true things. Its just too many you taken you don't exam per line, per phrase.

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