
你們是出外景的,台灣有自己賣一堆感冒藥,斯斯感冒藥跟咳嗽藥 (coughing medicine) | You are on the field trip for the camera shooting, Taiwan I will purchase myself a dozen coughing medicine, the branding that and that in flu and in coughing medicine.


我常常洗手,我絕對不會跟你們這種一群人混在一起叫做張開嘴巴對著彼此在密閉空間講話,我尊上說每一個呼吸...但是我出門如果台灣是我家,我都是買了一堆出外景的藥,假設是上台,很多人,馬上閉嘴的下面一整個晚上,飯店用小蘇打半個 box 那種在我出門之前,我先把這裕室的澡缸泡一個晚上,我上台完的瞬間我放掉水,我把周邊 rinse = 沖沖沖,有時候就想像沖你的手指用數的 60 秒 ....你們做事情叫做腦袋在想別的事情

一個晚上因為女孩子手腳冷要四肢暖,我那天晚上會知道我的 throat 感覺怎麼樣,如果沒有感覺我隔天早上看看我醒過來是不是飯店太冷了,我會吞藥,飯店很髒的空氣因為密閉空間,我之前講那種很昂貴的那種 Court Yard - Mariah 他們一樓可以打開窗戶, 因為很 stuffy, 如果我跟 Shane 或是 Nicky 他們再一起,我幫他們做這種瑣碎的事情,因為男孩子的關係,倆的人的生活每一天就是喝水、清潔、打掃、開窗戶、只有清潔清潔清潔跟漱口,在國外要蓋住你們的嘴鼻,常常!!

直接離開人群就是了 ! 你有疫苗也是離開人群,人們其實很骯髒,亞洲很骯髒,都在雲上,真的很誇張。


I often wash my hands, I will never group with any of you all together like open up your mouth and talking to each other inside a very closure space. Me honorable superior say per breathing ....but if I am on the field trip and I base my home in Taiwan, I will purchase all these branding medicine and if I get on the stage, the moment I can get off the stage, its a shut up your mouth for the whole night. My own mouth. Before I leave the hotel room, I will have that half box of the baking soda in the fill up bath tubes all around water to soak. When I finish coming back at night, I let go those water, and rinse rinse rinse...keep rinsing all around this bath tubes. Sometimes you rinse your finger, you count 60....your brain, many often time, do not focus the things in front of you, really.

The night time because the girl like me or you all will have this 4 limbs cold cold cold issue. That night I will know my throat if feeling funny, and if next morning the room too cold, and its funny, I will take the medicine. The hotel room inside its very very bad air and stuffy. Before I was talking about the Marriah - Court Yard, they have those sliding door to air out the inside all room air.  If I am being with Shane or Nicky, I will take care of those small tiny trivial things myself behind indoor, the bath tubes, all that medicine preparation. With 2 people's life, its every day, cleaning, sorting, air out the indoor air, or cleaning again and again, and rinsing my mouth, and clean clean clean with the guy in front of you, the 2 people's life. If its in the foreign country, you need to cover your nose and the mouth all the time. ALL THE TIME.

You directly leaving the crowd of the human immediately. You have the vaccination you still leave the crowd far away from the human. The human is very very dirty, the Asia is very dirty, its on the clouds.

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