
With the movie Ocean 13, you can go to the law maker about the open galaxy to women if like the movie: Island (2005)

The lotto, and from the outside they tell you its they are filthy rich, right now you think its impossible. You asking for a name they won't know, whom are the girls will put that much of the money disappear in one night or the guys, Both the girl and the guy's name listing them all out those AI bio data. Its inside their entire life trajectory like a sickness.

Like walking inside the Casino, next day a brand new people. Only 5 mins entry that casino. 

You ask if the Congress they can do that, extract that AI data so those outside people coming in won't know. Their own Lotto whatever their money too big. Similar to some China when the last 20 years someone deliver those red envelop in Taiwan south.

(Its at the ending.... the casino owner he will never put that money to the children, NEVER.)

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