
I withdraw my medical bill remember? No more hospital those visits, so these workers going back to America to staring at Obama. Biden therefore can tell he is no longer worth at all...

Cut obama the Black away. So all the blacks race all fallen.

I am a blonde. I told you they are the sinners like the hives. Its in the correct trajectory of the universe. But for the rural girls like the poor communism parents background, they are the minority like you all are.

The small farming of the left wing (meaning will never be the monoply)

I think I getting myself something else, that is not here at all, maybe the external reason they will be responsible from their human personal staffs or the high tech. Might be both, want to write that up, why the medical bill I will have my own judgement what to do, including these birds they volunteer.

Second points

Because Biden doesn't know Nicky told him that, but he probably thinks the other race like Ireland, not as the white guys, Nicky is a dancer, with a Karen remember? The dancer means the fucking groups. American current President Biden may not put 2 second in thinkiing what that is. 

I will tell your parents when they looking for you.

You all wishing to get rape and fuck by the black man like Square's video. Charlie Puth says.


Tamang is not a Black man, nor Wheat Indian. He shows me a funny photo, but on his facebook his brother doesn't look like that photo he shows me. Either he lied, or he meant I don't know what is the wheat color.

Tamang is an Asian skin color.



But You don't know what the Asia side did.

That is the lady in Elizabeth Swan, right, in this commercial that is a younger man. Right...

No, I mean the next commercial. Wait.

There are a lot of the new stars they don't tell me their name or working what not behind, the branding, so I guess its that company Chanel, like the bag I myself seeing that in 101. Usually I would think they are the credible sources.

If they tell me their name, I will tell you whom they are.

Right....not right now I cannot find it, whom this is.

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