
I used 101 - the physical mall inside, every branding I already checked.

There is a lot of those correct branding. No, not Youtuber. I already told you every reason of everything why I think so. That is including the hospital medical world other than the small clinic. I been there at least how many round trip back and forth. I notice what they do, and they put this high tech everywhere - a check in system with all that. UK used to make me wait 6 hours, its a horrific I walk in that waiting room, people break their head, that is why the patience number at night, its looooong long time. I assuming Wing is one state next by.

California is where the accidental insurance will be the worse, and those psycho Asian one guy drive 4 people in and die. The police will know that. The immigration will tell you if I only purchase a house + an airline ticket, that is one door they know they station at. Going in and out. That doesn't mean what they say from the beginning at their own position. They meant you provide all the supports your medical board Top means it + the friendship. I told you, that is forever impossible.

And even you yourself realize that you file, its a buzz. Your supervisor screaming at you, you let someone suffered anyway.....You cannot distinguish right or wrong, or what is the conviennce in your life, a bf, or a gf or a weekend, at all?

I personally stay in Taiwan, because its home, there is the local Taiwan police and China police and Japan police.  From my side of point, I think Conan Detective movies is funny. Mostly probably the movies. That is their 米花廳  - Someone from the cloud looking it down for real, those Heaven idea. I cannot proven to them. Its from the Heaven whole cosmo above looking it down, I think 

"....they made it inside the TV and the movies." ".... There is a story line." "Do you know what it takes to become a part of TV inside, as the whole lots of them, the entire pavillian type? other than the conspiracy theory reason? You have whom power you inside that TV all over the world, to make the money on your name? They are not dead?"    "oh ~~"

"Do you believe me, if I told you I didn't wish people always dead on the first day?" "Do you know what that means?" "What I say it means?"

"I think its funny..."

"You have a lot of the scene in the 194 countries all world all around, most time its one people show, such as....in the cloud above, someone looking it down, with all the people if they cluster, you know what is the one person show? "

"No the citizen, but you are the human. The police is the same human like every inline structure, one person those. I am one person....right."

"I think its funny, the Pixie and that is on the line, you are in-line, i keep use that words, you know that they and American that one coastline on the West, so....the plaque, made of the glass. Its not a wall. Its suspend between the space their front and maybe just like the picture in Sean Bean, those medical image, ceiling to the ground."

"....I am from above the cloud."

"I told you its funny."

"No, it is a wall if they hand that at the wall. I think its a standing alone, but they are not you. Those are the Pixie. You are the human inside that TV. As exactly looking like that. Not the glass technology those. No. I can tell the difference."

"Is Heaven boring? No noise this 10 years, just a maid. I don't really know the difference because...before, it was a servant."

"The Conan movies lists are not the TV itself, but when I used to grew up, those Chinese speaking audio, transcription sound, makes me feel comfer, when I get back, every Sunday 8-10, that time I have no money, I need 2 hours away from my mother hurting me that kind. "

"Right....now I told her and the relative everything. I feel a lot less thorny, maybe they always know its their kids issues, seriously. They know, I found out."

"Japan has an interior design small space other than the eating show. The eating show were 30 years ago had too. No, never watched it. I remember the sound of the background. The Iron Chef, was from Japan."

"oh ...~ I think the inside story is funny, you believe that when you grew up. They are the family father dad, those."

"Not every TV, but more than the Line and Dot. You have the Movie franchaise a lot more too. The main story line, when I move to America. I read online quick. "

"I read the online quick."

"I read the online quick, there is a main story line."

"I read the online quick, yahool that time, PCAT running inside out of my perfect big giant desk from Wal-mart, I used IBM that time. It feels home. yahoo.com.tw. SHE were in the movie setting fire. The horse president didn't say overseas voting, but I try to think if the green card holder were, they have to go somewhere travel to, I have no money. Not possible. He was our mayor that time."

"If I say I read the online quick, and I say I got mad....do you know why?"

"The original main story line extent all the way to 2004 that time and on to 2014/ 2015..."

"I had my invention on the scribble paper, right....same time. Between that computer reading the religious script, The Law of One, or Juda from the dead sea scroll. No, I never heard about Yogananda. The Barns & Nobles. Its on the same giant desk back and forth, that printer ahead of my eye, in front of my PC stuck points or my elbow, or the forehead. "

"Everyone grew up Conan knows that...."

"I know !!!"

"No, I never told my relative or my mother. They won't know."

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