
My physics primary class teacher 9-5...my entire class those classmates, he teaching more than us class?!

No one will go and deliver that high school physics to be that princess, I am telling you. Not him. He looks like a bit Dr. Shen, and he gets old, he was already older. 

The high school physics....What day is today? Tuesday. 

I open my high school transcript ....

The top navigation, no that is not the physics, no. That is the geology or geography combine how you have a landing object incoming. I don't even know what subject that is. Maybe geology other than the rocks, because the Earth is a rocks, and its not those Neptune rocks, the gas planet. Those are so much colder away from the sun orbits. 

What is the difference?

You ask me, or you intend to ask me? I will tell you, do not turn the gas into the liquid ocean, that is what it means !!!!

Sorry, they say that is the water solid. 

What is the difference?

The definition of the Earth to our core, we live on the surface like the apple skin.

Neptune those gas giant, are categories other than their cores, that is already heavy heavy heavy gravitation CORE, or the high temperature or the high pressure, you imagine how you get from the Earth to the Earth core inside. That movie on the TV...you cannot go inside the Earth.

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