
"When they becoming the Train icon -500 dollar per month if not + ...its very very very sad with a person's image face "

"What it means an eternal book 50,000 years begins hell the monent they stop breathing. Every time someone will see a map, someone will tell you, a certain in that local. I took Nick there or he drives around. All the bus driver knew, so when Annca was my issue, or I cannot furthur North I found out from my side, straight north, I gone to...this Taipei Y, you can tell the map, that is not the boundary.

All the way to cross the bus, that will almost say I think....either that is Hank's bus line included, I just only pick the line on that same latittude Annca was the problem all car commerical reason to end up....

My uncle's name hospital."

"Its outside the line, outside that boundary, too far. But in that small zone, its a busy all around area. Its funny...its right below my house, the Day Your Found out right next by."

"I speak more than once this account...."

"I have a stamp...."

"It is funny...."

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