
"Your parents just let you chop off your princess bed?"

"Its one stick in the way, so one down, all those 2 side top bang, and those transparent sandy cloth, like...fuzzy, not see through cloth? Right, you have other embellish orange-red-pink color similar to the curtain, my living room current, that pillow's color more pink....and all those things out."

"Your parents let you?"

"My father is no long required to exist that time I can tell you, I do what I want. Right now my entire room vanish its the renter's living room."

"Your mother let you?"

"She gives me this giant bear of that Ice Skating comic book, exactly that ballet giant bear."

"What happened?"

"I took the picture with the original princess bed, before I chop that away, and the bear when I got back anyway, I never care that exist and occupying my bed, so I never asked my mother. I forgotton all that once I return from KY."


"Occupying my room bed, and seated room. I have a guest come and sit place and it made as if the IKea wood to storage all my cards collection and the sceptor from the Sailor Moon. It was an important design, my mother design for me."

"And the bear?"

"Not sure, don't remember. I left. I never have the stuffy animal. Its surrounding my brother's room on the top shelf, his entire room were nothing but that stuffs. I hate those stuffs. "

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