
"I probably try to tell all of those sister to keep their brothers....right."

"That story has many Queen in the Sailor Moon. This will be the Silver millennium Queen in a memory, where the princess be mischef to fallen in love with the Earth prince. One day that causes of the old pack of his Earthly army + 4 kings come to invade the Moon Kingdom, so it becomes a part of the memory, seal in that North Pole. Until they can break through to find the portal, they will never teleport to the Moon to open that memory, seeing the form of that small Queen Serenity."


"Can they duplicate this story?"

"A lot of the family doesn't have a tall brother, in my own university their home brother, those....and if the brother just debuted inside that setting, its already hurtful enough because most people don't have a brother near by. The link above is the side story. The real story always revolve a current live, not that memory of the Past. 

She is a warrior of the Day and the Night of the school balance to seeking a jem stone to collect them to evoke a scepter. One part of the story. "

"My brother used to have this Asia cards, I probably find it where here might selling them. But he gone to the America, so he might be seeing a lot more this High School Musical from Disney or Twilight. Any of the American interior design he probably doesn't like, so was not Austin, so will not be Wendy I think. I am not sure if he studying continue. "

"The real life here from Asia, because I used to be in America, if me and my mother were settle a lot more here, we purchase what Pang or Tina' needed things and mail them. My mother used to do that alone, so now I can buy something in where I found out and dump in the box. The international shipping cross us. My mother used to regularly sent us something in those big package of the box. One women like her. So now, Tina got 2 kids, you saying at home, just me and his mother to wait them 2 every winter running in and out of this place. They done that when I was away with the ex bf. Now they doing that every year, probably just seeing one extra human in the home. Both of their old room were still intack."

"The princess bed?"

"Probably Tina's room."

"We have other family setting of the parents are still here, their kids or their all around family parents friends whom have the kids grown up. There are."

"The princess bed?"

"Pang's TV financee their 3 daughters in Rama 1/2, correct in California though. Not sure they can come back really."

"None of them will be seeing this tradition though....its not part of their growing up culture."

"Whom is not princess bed?"

"Dr. Bing's 2 daugther or Lucy and Jessie."

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