
I nap

I change my website when I get up, you just staring at this one site of that many, no one will know to get one lawsuit write correctly. No one will know which website you will hop on.

Babaji: Go


You were all this UB honor class got inspired to write your lawsuit, try?

Dear Judge,

I have found this paraphrasing over this UB 6+2 I have personally finding it true to the all circustancing listing below where I been or how far I travel to inquire some of this UB advisor talk to sit down one by one. The idea of this opening were to say that, we have the compare groups to that next by whichever she claim three or 4 set of this UB 8, Mormom Later Jesus 6 2 or 3 Taiwan short name for tw, and 1 Reno MD he used to be Ph.D.

I censor some of this idea of the saying because I am not too sure about the system talk and I have inquire some of my side of the lawyer through this, and making that the idea of this distinct saying why so complicated, so I decide to cope up my argument for this each individualism idea how things went ahead, or before, to make a brief.

Anna I paraphrasing you like the last time, is that the last website?

Date: July 20th, 2023

Plaintiff: Your name

Defendant: UB admin

Title: The involvement of the UB whom set up this in details full reports

Background: The system data invovled to MD 6+2 from UB to meet their ways to Mormom 4+2 parents-kids, TW MD 2 and Reno a book author Ph.D already + 1MD. He is resume Linkedin as the Washington, not as the D.C Washington. (The University of Washington)

The vivid scene of the past 20 years of the facebook to today's online gismo from what I observe through my own used my set of data to combine into the pool of several whom I can found and contact including the external circle of less this student mode classmate, I inquire some advise and decide to bring a discussion in this lawsuit how the data has clash, in the real professional set of the Hospital they whom suppose to do, and I am not the part of the MD program and I am scared but required to file, because I think its funny.

Its the City of Hope and Roswell Park Cancer Institution, the ranking its the later higher, this would not be so obvious to debate upon why this set of the data has anything to do with them. I just feeling funny about this Conan Japan animation made into a medical history term, not just the medical terms anymore, because there is a history involved. Its the Crimson Love Letter involved with the genetics, and a set of the Japanese traditional poem cards in memorization a set of this old words they used not today in Japan. It was a tradition.

You ever thought to cultivate a relationship with your handicap mother and all those handicap Line App. One is the bone doctor, not the real doctor I think....

Yeah, I sent to him the same, to all of them. I don't have any other human other than her here.  I ever thought I got nothing but the handicap all around....right.

It might mean to you. You learn things from them, and you teach some of the stuffs you know. Washing, cleaning, cooking, and tie up the trash bag occasionally. Watering the plants, tell the birds get out....one of those included? Mop your own room floor + the outside gradually and the table, and the weight scale, the fridge, the kitchen, etc.

If you hear, "You will never get on a date, a relationship statue forever", you didn't do anything about your psycho babble mind inside all this time, you imagine things, and someone telling you, you are imagining a lot of the things, none of them are true?

Turn on this first song;  and watch the second video, the same volume is fine. 

Tell me....

Don't think the correct things in life? The only thing we never never never will talk about anymore, right? 

♪ ♫ ♬ 

 Love You Seven Times 
♪ ♫ ♬ 


You want to tell me the aging parts, you are never is these Taiwan Youtuber, they got married, has a kid, or the parents inside the TV, you wish a TV frame, not a TV story or the bank, or a career. Their age all Hailey close by 26. You remember what it used to be 2014. Funny.....Whom was the 26 like Nominji and Hallie.

You only thought about my photo as, it is not acceptable.

Well, you know its bad if you compared to side by side, since I no longer required to go on the TV debut or never were....according to repeatedly I am telling you a something this world trend has their own landscape. I explain that, I talk about that, I saying about, I talk about something, I even have all this LinkedIn openly telling you, I am occupying, can you take your stuffs to work on each other? 

Its the look bad, its the Time pass will be. This is the first 10 years, you ever thought any tiny things the TV telling you? 

UB - you have tried and fail

Do you mean you contact through the facebook? or somewhere this Internet as long as the full name other than in Taiwan?

Anything the younger brother the younger guy you search. You mean they know your worth or you planning to show up where to get the attention outside these medical school, your hair style?

You fight with your psychiatrist?  The things I told you, you will never have a relationship anymore, you can just shut off a TV and focus your medical school. Forever. An outing, a date.

The TV business world lie to you.


容易找到東西的意思? 已經九月了~十一月西城男孩要來,你們最重要的課題不是你們去弄你們的總統大學? 我這邊很多事情 ... 我想都不會想,不會 ! 我沒有聽,我根本就不知道 ! 今天是一個外國人在麥克風上面 ~我媽在電話上面,我現在要去吃冰淇淋。


You want to drink some water? Not get nervous? Tell him slowly, what you are saying? You need a gf or he needs a baby sitter? You like those baby sucker water to inject in your mouth, you relax, not like that?


台灣新聞: 我沒有要做吃的 ! 這種他們動物是保育協會的,做人基本概念 ...

但是他們竟然會咬人? 這些 otter

我把一些影片送給殘障人士,我上次跟她說過,沒有送給她看,站起來的其中一隻 ! 很多都是殘障人士其實! 因為電話是舅媽的。

📁📁 📁📁📁📁📁🥙🥙🍖🥙📁📁 📁📁📁📁📁🥙🥙🍖🥙📁📁 📁📁📁📁📁🥙

📁📁 📁📁📁📁📁🥙🥙🍖🥙📁📁 📁📁📁📁📁🥙🥙🍖🥙📁


Babaji: Go

So? Yes, that is what it is, the next profile next by that Tamang's name: Middleton.

She already done to Meghan, or Mako didn't know she is which side of the name. 

Well, sometimes with the doctor profile, there is something like the middleton is a girl, Harry got the issues too. Actually all of their entire family has an issue, other than the Gay Prince William or maybe that 2 kids away.

In the medical board itself, in American medical board, may never train people like the outside, its 1 to 1, when you learn one handicap, you will start to walking out of that house to the outside people all around. That time Zawanna will learn something and becoming today's doctor. So were many those professional people.

Life in itself, you all cared about this if Ola and Dean, or whom else with that Adam Davis, and you might getting all the church service people pamp you at the back when they walk out, to their own attentive day, other than your life, or that Davis life on the bench. Its a hit on the shoulder. You understand, none of those things were ever real.

So what could be this Zawanna ever learn in his evolution, never that lamp inside those garbage thing, the American Congress will settle. Not sure whom this person supposes to be, really. The psycho never ends.

"You didn't stare at your jobs correctly on the jobs."

Do you believe that is true?  I actually don't know when they get together, that Harry Prince and Meghan lady. Supposes to be I think Queen + her Military Prince title right? 

King Charlie III + his Queen Consort

Prince W + Prince Harry, Meghan

Every TV broadcasting even their own residence in California, I look at it, its not the Hollywood or the Irvine, too far away, never us to talk in the relation. The Frozen property or that ET road. El Toro. One of those stupidest thing how do you jump on a water ditch that low, and saying that is the Frozen that castle. I told everyone.

Me and Shane may not settle anything with Nicky or Westlife yet, but my name is already ending up on England airplane routes. That is not the job description. I will tell her that, no one will trash her that anymore. 

When you all first in the UB that honor class, or the honor program to today this far, you saying Md 6+2, because you include that Tamang in it a bit, or that Jonathon his head is waving, or wobbling, between the good or the evil, he cannot be for sure steady, NEVER Mummy on those counter National Treasure 2 says. 

You called the FDA, you feeling breathing Jonathon? 

You called the FDA and the public health people to have a team to eradicate anything the radioactive. Your brain breathing now?

Life didn't need to be I am always God, and my mother always right.  Me and Shane whom is right, so that is the Nicky now? You can think like that? How to meant it what things is real, and what is not?  Vice Versa, one of those you put inside your head, 2 people of them, you can just bind it together. When I leave, I leave ! Get out of my sight. 

Ireland is not England, I will tell Middleton that. 

Japan is not Taiwan, I will tell you all UB that. 

Right now you pretend that guy is in your life inside UB, you are. Or whomever you seeing you inside which of the story, you didn't ask that guy, including your past ex, you feeling it this is the same talking subjects, or the similar common topics. You didn't really meant it - its two of you. When you making that efforts in that 2 people or even 3 people, you need to put forth a concrete plan. To drop them, or to keep them. What is the step, NOT TO ON PURPOSE hurting them. If things are bad, that is the way how to be take care of.

When I sleep a night, I might feeling better, I breath tomorrow and I think of something else. Every single day I am here, I am not breathing...with a handicap case in Zawanna's world. Its a real situation in my life, she is my mother. Not the real patients case, someone like me would have told you, that is not a karma, that is a medical school.

I never use that words .....you want to forget the England here, tell someone about this 2 of us, you really thought about even including you already hint him, or he let you know, and what the concrete action you put inside your mind, or your years to next 10 years, including the back up evil plan, all that written it down, and talk to someone you can trust.
MD Psychiatry, I tell you, you didn't talk to that guy, he didn't know he is the back-up.

As the power of this 8 people now, or including that Lana, Dr. Bing Shen's daughter if she was in the MD too or whom that husband included. Did you check it inside this UB the real essence you hate someone says,

"You lied to me", if he is a priest, or an educator, or an accountant, or any other major than he told everyone else, he just walking in that day in the UB Honor classroom to find love, he never register the class. The actual classmate name lists. Want to do that before you saying the love reason for real? He understands you?

The gun man profile : First rule, its no one sees him carried a gun.


You believe that, or you think I was joking? He thinks no one sees him carried a weapon or a gun. He already??? Doing what behind?

Movie: Love Actually ( 2004 )

If you will find out all the gun man similarity, they may be those younger sibling, whom just get away with every excuse, I think his brother probably older than him. They have a certain feature similarity as well, he has this Lauren's face inside that 酒窩

The face appearance, I am not sure which type they put on the TV. Those are at the US Marshall law service. Any of you are not attentive to this one gun man, you are all too busy. Technically, you all will find out, you would never get married from the beginning because its what I am the Ella Enchanted problems you staring at 24 hours. They didn't tell you, I will tell you that.

They probably will not tell you, this entire profile somewhere somehow, American collects enough those garbage behind from 194 countries since 100 years ago at least +20 years.

I just tell you

I maid any of you the way I want !!! They didn't specify which direction of the terms and condition or the set file would be Ella Enchanted. oh ~ how I becoming a name on TV, and I don't remember what was....and this past so important like you yourself with those Board member.....oh ! 

Its testify my brain which one of us knowing how to do exactly you imagine ever....accomplish. 

You see, you hear, you thought, and you will learn.....

That is the greater wonder of the miracles. 

小鳥~我的頭 !!!冰塊 Tamang the reason in that drama (Ancient Chinese), first he is not going to be free; they are preparing this Ola wants to born a kid like Dean would never be there the second day conceive and the day deliver.

Dean although he is up bringing he says the private school, or this school UB RA, like Silas, the residence assistance, I think he steals. The day I saw him, he was walking in the hallway at that South Lake housing inside, I just got in the door. He knows how to do that kind of the stealing; and according to his facebook dating history, behind his mind outside his parents, if without the medical school that day on, he will get 2 girls 1 guy, or 2 guys 1 girls, those street he believes culture.

That is before he runs out of the appearance. He knows that lifestyle works, or he knows as long as its he is the gay, and everyone consent that groupy life. Like for the money reason. He may not done it for real in life though.

He may not done it for real in life though.

He may not done it for real in life though.

He may not done it for real in life though.

He thinks that is how the general American street culture, how they live that life. He steals like fish man, which cancer movie, Keanu. But Keanu he is a handicap in the real life.

Movie: Miss you Already. (2015), near that movie Big Hero 6. (2014 Dec 31th), 

MovieStonehearst Asylum (1024)

He told me his birthday was 124, that Nick 4 limbs without, is Jan 24th. His yellow book on his medical practice he was married, he was Jan 25th birthday.

That is a mental hospital, meaning inside out, outside in. The prison becoming the doctors, and all the doctors or the professional works got sent to the jail.


Its American Congress pass things, when anything like this American medical board gone through the each individual medical facility and allows this one full life - the medical intern took place.

So the reason with Tamang. He is married with the 2 boys, I think I saw, or there is other people' girl, or that was 1 girl or 1 boy. The kids His own kids.

Most time when they do this, they already have some other records with them, this is the classify materials usually you imagine the medical goes along with the classify material or they investigate or they modify. It may be a timeline, and that girl may not be that cheerful.

Tamang with its the TV inside that look, it might be a very snobbish like that Lana Dr. Bing Shen's daughters, nothing like his current wife. Some girls have this curses word, and very Asian ABC needed to be with a white English speaking country tall boyfriend.

Well, I don't talk to Tamang anymore. I told you he is very very very unstable, his mood, going very escalating exciting when hearing something or very Eben those political extremists. 

He probably figures it out with the kids or the ex wife, he will never never get enough relationship ever again. Never ever, everyone goes to tell that girl, or something, he is a negative person. He is. That time he gonna loses the appearance, and he knows that the age even he himself knows about him the age, or the real life situation, he is not normal. Not the gun normal, not the economic finance normal. Everything was a lie, its started with me Anna. He knows all that, he has some conscious over that, so he says no.

I don't think that is what others prepare him, he might be forgotten this TV though by that time, because the actual making it inside this TV scripts were the very real elements, and if he knew the actually medical school or the human education to be that hard, because he has to go on this 20-40 years medical intern or studies, he will become nuisance each additional days on. Its to modified his brain, he has nothing wrong to be modified, he can never be a doctor. 

Correct, everyone wants a relationship, let's say a girl that kind.

He wants a business, and as fast as everyone gets off his attention, he does a bit that, or the gun like that, and he perfect got drunk, everything is perfect and tuche.  He didn't want people to modify his behavior, because that day he found out, he realized, at the beginning of 20 years ago, it was he = the mistakes. He didn't think he present people to make people believe he is the flaws, or the mistake, or the means person, or the defect, or the bad person. He thinks he plans all the excuse well with the logic how to walk out of the laws, with the back up some laws side gf. He did that when we met. He told me that.

He didn't think he present people to make people believe he is the flaws, Jonathon is supporting him I guess. I told you....

He didn't think he present people to make people believe he is the flaws

He didn't think he present people to make people believe he is the flaws

He didn't think he present people to make people believe he is the flaws

He got everything plans and figure it out.

(My head behind that left knod hurts. Birds.....!!!!)

My mother knock her bow porslin. 

There is a 99 and 0 on my link

The Chinese parts none of you can read. 


一直在傷害我的意思!   現在沒有停的意思!!! 她用擦過地板的抹布洗衣服的意思~!~~ 227071446一直打過來傷害人,沒有人!!!!


我前男友也是狗~都是殘障人士 ~!!!! 你們怎們不去 Line App 把這個女的畢蒲給淹了, 叫做 228 我需要的幫忙是現在 !!!!!! 永生永世給我通通下去地獄, 57 分鐘洗抹布,講中文呀 ! 我才剛剛洗過,我現在需要躺下來,她不見了~我需要的幫忙叫做現在 ! 你們繼續傷害我的意思~~!!

我爸是色盲 + 躁鬱症

我媽是 phobia + 智障還是口吃,不能講話

小孩她們以為是真的~傷害人無止盡 ! 我的頭~~~~這兩個家裡,其他人都跑去生小孩,怎麼在我的字典裏面就沒有任何需要生小孩,全部都是垃圾! 她們兄弟姊妹都是正常,只有這一個 couple 不正常 ! 舅媽不正常,其他都是正常,他們看到什麼就通通跑去以為去生小孩 ! 

怎麼我就沒有這種幻想,緹娜也生了兩個小孩 ! 

我弟是 Autism 類似不講話玩電玩的,人格有夠惡劣叫做現在可以講話了!

我從來就沒有不正常過 ! 才會變成現在尊上 !


我整個人身左邊痛 ! 以前直排輪叫做旅行,我根本就沒有跟你們一樣,女的傷的會很重!!!!! 我整個頭的左眼會一條線痛 ! 你們月經頭痛去跟醫院說,我媽會頭痛月經她說,我問過她,她說不出來是不是整個後腦痛,我從來沒有頭痛過!!!! 我根本就不知道你們月經怎麼全部都在痛 !!!

喝水,乾淨的水,自己煮,不是殘障人士下毒煮 !!!

叫她不要再用敲東西,到處都是,我就不會左眼的後面痛痛痛痛,那是一個點,圈,叫做手指挺著後面這個皮膚,我從來沒有頭痛過 ! 喝過咖啡三年級,學校送進來什麼牛奶類似,睡不著的頭痛,我不知道怎麼醫治你們,你們通通給我滾出去,我根本就已經沒有月經類似,我怎麼變成尊上,通通給我滾 ! 


第十位叫做 純血,天主教


如果不是第一就是第十但是如果是第五,那第一既不是 金髮尤物的純金還是羅馬天主的純血,這種什麼垃圾 2018 -2020,聽到我的錢夠,我自己賺的,你們給我通通滾出去 !!!

你們 ascetic 自己變成肥仔,我現在跟你們吃冰淇淋,你們我每一天呼吸看的不是我人生自由,我工作不是我人生自由,我全部都在痛小美人魚的傳統故事~叫做影子政府 Shadow government.

你們倒是做了什麼,怎麼不自己去 ascetic, 亞洲不想修就不要修,我頭被裝了 OU 

O,那是窟著頭上,不是整個頭痛,你們為什麼不去問'清楚人是怎麼痛 ! 我從來沒有真的頭腦袋裡面痛過,我不可能不可能不可能不可能真的知道怎麼痛 ! 頭窟只是頭的外皮那邊痛 ! 緊的痛,壓進來 2014 一整年,我已經忘記怎麼痛,最近幾次,你們讓她一直跟小鳥讓我痛~~~


小鳥幫忙治療? ~我說了你們滾出去 !!!! 你們讓小鳥幫我治療~~我就每天躺著! 我哪都不用去了~~痛!!!!

為什麼小鬼小和尚那邊我寫 99 and 0 ?

Tamang's file

He is up down up down, if not left right right left. He is from a very small town. He puts up some of this more near his current wife that kind of presentation because in the medical school. He is a nervous person too. He blanks out when the things just happen in front of him.


不是,是拉三忘四 (你們中文很難寫)




本身膠囊者可以是你沒有出路,但是不是病態者 !  故意的意思~你整個人的精神是說只要做對做好,你會把一份工作做好 ! 這種所謂病態的膠囊可以是曾經有完整的父母親的,不是小孩丟出來一開始的,沒有知道他財務怎麼了~因為講銀行都是自己整理呀 ! 你父母會知道你變成這種病態的日本膠囊族,其中一個那種。

所以 Ola 會去弄這個迪恩,順便稱 Wing 不需要庫洛魔法使,故意的女巫是一個綁架所有人狀態包括迪恩五教主的整個體態,長的很像的關係,是清海無上師火星,她自己位置,一堆東西講魔法,觀音法門不修魔法。而且這有些東西,美少女戰士變身是在講男孩子有一根專注力吧 ? 我也不知道 ! 

青雲制: Wing, 但是五年到十年之後,現在有沒有處罰我也不知道,叫做停止傷害人內在 !

迪恩還有這種高個子,三個女的一個一個去死,他坐在牆壁的旁邊醫學課程流眼淚,在外面走廊講話,看灌籃高手的紅頭髮,所以他不會知道為什麼女生以為 『你會幫我替我去報仇』,意思就是我們講好的關係,你應該自己知道,心知肚明,但是他是一個同性戀 gay。

醫學系可以有學生故意一個一個女生飛奔,就一個一個去死,電影裡面那個橋的旁邊,就一個一個跳下去。早上吵架等等等! 心理戰術 ~~~這所有東西都是因為別人去死的,跟他有什麼關係呢?

小鬼小和尚 - 昨天的英文裡面講的『無殼族』跟日本的膠囊族 (吃中飯之前)

我現在講中文,所謂無殼族不能算是一種醫學裡面的疾病,我尊上(花千骨 2015) 是不是一種疾病 ? 你們最喜歡張開嘴巴說,說呀 ! 大聲一點 !

所謂無殼族定義: 是租房子一輩子,頭期款在城市非常昂貴只能租房子 ! 

日本膠囊族? 假設有一個很帥的女子只需要一個女孩逃離自己的『不是主角的魔法灰姑娘』,因為是要成為自己的東西,會去跟這個膠囊族的人生下一個小孩,這個男孩子會突然消失找到另外一個女的,因為這得生小孩的女生『有一點宗教』,『很討厭人、『沒有朋友,『要出一口氣,臉要長的跟 Lucy and Jessie 的爸爸一樣。

現在通通在電影上面,你們說女孩子抓還是絕對不抓? 在五年跟十年之後? 醫科必須一輩子,他們相信明年就是他們的 39 跟我去年比的關係,他們是化學科的資優班小我兩歲,為什麼? 當初我放棄這見到我臉書上面的第一個男朋友,在肯德基州大學考試跳考,不需要這個化學課,但是我交換學生已經晚一年回中山女中念高三,之後轉到 紐約州立 UB時候她顧問把我擺到第一年重新開始,這個時間我其實最後畢業只有晚一年,只有那一個班級的人是小兩歲,Jonathon 小一歲,他爸是 Rosewell Park 跟City Of Hope 炳輝打對台的機構 (在柯南叫做 Crimson Love Letter,唐紅的戀歌,他就是我魔法灰姑娘的叔叔,我有一個夏天在那邊)。癌症的研究機構+醫院,紐約是醫院靠近這 UB 強納生的爸爸! 

(看我不是購物狂的同一個衣服,那個外國人就是強納生,而拿槍的是我第二個吻的男孩子,不是朋友,醫科無法曾受的壓力,在『超人』(電視 2001~2011 Smaville),『在我不是購物狂』(中國現代電視劇本),在『格角什麼夫人』 10:37 (中國古裝劇本 )


公主王子直到一年之後,不是賭博自己人生說給一年在試試看十年之後 (浪客劍新第一場之後的十年之後),他們絕對相信電影給予它們,他們在拚我的錢 + 威廉王子的英國,我的錢他們相信是我獨家記憶自己賺的,自尊很高,處處比較,絕對是瘋子瘋狂。


西城男孩演唱會玩,好玩嗎? 有去嗎 ? 西城男孩試歐洲男孩子樂團當年 1998 那時候, 尊上的東西叫做提娜九龍公主的真實模樣,叫做我尖叫試 NSYNC 跟 O-town 同一個死去監獄的經紀人 (白色肥的) - 今天算總帳的意思




不會監獄太久,那應該怎麼辦?  你們把超人的那個 Tamang 槍枝人 ( the gun man) 還有迪恩 (或是亞當的膠囊族) 至少有三個 file 要分開 file-ing 這英文字要跟我分開 - 分開念。


不會監獄太久的意思? 假設誰做路上遊民是說? 自己證件帶齊,他故意所有東西蠟掉,非常非常惡劣的一種人群,工作突然沒有,賭博突然法院錢 五分鐘進去賭場不見,隔天沒有人知道,最後在街上睡覺,講說心情,記得我尊上說

V 是一種 Tamang 內邊非常非常非常不穩定,拿槍之人在美國是要學習他們的心理學,如果是女朋友都要每一個說見面與之前的所有一輩子的供詞講出來,不是T 像說 Twilight, 電影本身名稱是 V 俠客,但是那個東西看起來冷,輾到西門死了多少人的螢幕,不是,西門是商鞅~長的很醜,對! 

先回去這個 file 上面,有電影叫做電子情人 (You've Got Mail) 在講這個人最後在達文西密碼 (是電影) 裡面有講 Symbolism, 你們把美國的所有電影劃到所謂 Classify 資料,意思就是有原因才會在全世界發送的關係,這是所謂公眾媒體的法律張條。

不是T 的symbolism 是V, 因為他裡面非常非常非常 edgy, 整個人的心情起伏非常非常非常不穩定上上下下,你如果講 不



~~要講上上下下感覺才會是真的他身體裡面的真實情況,所以不是 Tw T 是 V 可能也不是 V 俠客,是 吸血鬼那個 Vampire 跟電影裡面一樣 ! 就寫我尊上說的廢話 !

中國 - 演唱會看完沒?我是尊上,叫做閒情雅致,最後開始算帳!

花千骨 (2015)

這世界上有種叫做教理跟現實,我每天早上換鍵盤到中文叫做現實,我當年 1998 的中文輸入叫做絕對不會有這種挑字的錯誤,知道我打過多少字 ? 中文 !

(吹頭髮,有隻螞蟻死在我的杯子裡面那是蓋著~我要換水,今天早上一定要洗澡的意思~小鳥在外面不停地尖叫,我媽不停的傷害我的頭,待會再又開始傷害的意思! 小鳥每分每秒的關係~)

人不吃酸甜苦辣 (sour, sweet, bitter, spicy), 就不需要頭上一根寒毛,這是你們講中文的特權 ! 不是看打字順便看過去的關係 ! 每天洗頭髮,泡在水裡面,腳伸直 (小鳥閉嘴)。



現在應該是基督教當代的關係,當年台灣只有背古文,我小時候有半心,是在大直那邊學校現在這種電視新聞的什麼建設,是當初她們打禪的地方,我記得當年的味道 ! 因為上學完之後不是看電視,是非常倉卒的洗澡、做功課、很晚還要跟著出去,以前沒有捷運的關係 ! 一些家庭一同去這個大直打坐

芬妮 + 先生 + 兩個小孩

我們家三個 + 我媽

提娜香港的好朋友,小學同學全家 ! 


出國的瞬間,我們家就是沒有錢,昨天我還在講無殼族的某種,之下,還有日本的膠囊族,關於男孩子的這種結尾 Ella Enchanted, 是不是中文翻譯的電影叫做『魔法灰姑娘』-男孩子騙人的相信跟女孩子,相信多少? 台灣社會新聞很多,以前在電視上面 ! 

這個電影有個結尾,我第一個男朋友跟我的好朋友長高的 ! 我給她們肯德基州的一個條件,全部出現: 誰跟誰之前討論,再一起 (除了主角)  :   相信他們自己會說,他們必須逃走的機率是多少 (這件事情是你們演唱會西城男孩之前,講英文的,我現在在講給你們聽一次)

那我昨天說了什麼? 因為我轉學是州立大學便宜,那個第一個男朋友之後,我從肯德基的 UK 轉到紐約的 UB,最西方的紐約市,只要出了紐約市中心就全部叫做上州紐約 (或是西方紐約),你們去天氣台就可以,WNY (Western New York), 開車八小時 ! 紐約有這麼大 ?~~!!! 納編會抵達之後到加拿大邊境,並不是真的底端的水牛城市中心 (黑人),現在都很危險 ! 公車的地方 Greyhound。

那我昨天講的英文要自己翻出來,是真實的現在我之前的臉書 2013 之前,這所有垃圾都在地圖上面是當年的臉書都在學校之內,因為尊上之後都是靠近學校的工作,沒有在出來見到客戶那種東西,一個阿南的男朋友,見過 Pinterest? 你們出來之前就瞬間消失!


誰才是主角? 將哲,抱歉、姜哲 (W 兩個世界韓劇),我想起來了炳輝那邊還有 MD,他女兒...這一定是說 City of Hope 要我那邊的篇幅在 Linkedin, 你們因為需要出去外面工作,尊上你們中國養的意思~叫做我哪裡的職業的關係 ....他們因為必須做公主王子的告法院 (希望是 39 歲的明年,趕上我尊上跟英國的威廉王子+太太),腦袋壞掉了,他們本身是一輩子的資優班 + 拿槍枝之人, gun man 這是英文的專有名詞,所以至少 6 +2 的這種系統制之下,他們是一輩子醫科念到成為醫生,之後大概是監獄的關係,現在每一件事情我講的都得處理! 他們跟當地被遷到美國地圖上面的大學醫科 (當地的 clinical rotation) 或是某種 CNN 自己的大學醫科學苑,然後再佛州結尾,現在在 Texas 州的關係,再也不是百畝達州的一條線 ~~彼此不需要拯救彼此,被救出來的第一件事情叫做? 如何? 中文自己念....

電影叫做 Big Hero 6

醫科不是救人,是? 百慕達一條線 ~~我說五年到十年他們知道這所有法院都不是在講 Frozen, 十年前 ...沒有人跟我說過的關係,我在弄鋼鐵神兵的第一集,但是有文藝復興的時間我算到的關係 ...時間算到的地方在那邊但是不是知道為什麼跟這種黑漆嘛汙的演藝圈有關 ...

所以還沒有講完這 Frozen 是台灣公民課我尊上長大念私立中學,外考中山女中的,一千,抱歉三千女子。那種學校...所謂民事訴訟或是刑事訴訟,我尊上會說他們十年之前是發送地點的法院在? 十年不曾更改過,再說: 當年發送的原因? 是電影本身的『內容位置』,還是『原本的內容』? 聽懂沒? 這見到裡面不是我的名字,是在講緹娜推我在床上二樓摔下來打到我的頭,小孩子的床,緹娜紅頭髮打人,2015 在進來傷害人,我當初沒有人幫助,而這些所謂白種世界的友情叫做『無殼族的機率是誰呢?』,只要見過第一個男朋友的 魔法灰姑娘,我給妳們看超人 Smallville 裡面有一個叫做去戰爭的Whitley, 看這張照片 !!! 猜是誰呢?

要看我尊上工作的內涵是什麼? 講假的對吧 ?

這所有電影題材呀 ~

我心情低落跟我智商低落,大學你們沒有辦法聯想,不是亞洲大學,我是當初她們排球隊的副對長,叫做學姊之後的每一年幹嘛 的? 

你們現在看到的影片都是假的...之前 2018-2020 只有這同一個頻道 ( 700 影片當初變成開場大概 10 的影片我開始講年 2013 -2020...之前又開始是 2021 的二月開始)


這方方是當年的第一生滿慈子叫做 Big Wheel 大乘佛教的英文,知道一個 wheel 是多久,非常非常遙遠的非常多的 Wheel 是美少女戰士的開場曲跟這個 Tim Cook 政治靈修的皇后位置有關,只是睡覺跟女兒躺著昏沉睡覺 (兩個女的),而他只是沒有肌肉的斗篷 ~~~類似機器的某種一個骨骼 !

政治靈修講左右翼 ! 




I go to sleep

There is no light in it, very very dark. The first sense was like a black hole, but inside you would imagine the Top cloud would have faint white cloud, but it is more like that W Two worlds, jail and open the light?

There is no light seeing from outside in, I am the light, I seeing inside its so blacken. 

Babaji: Go